Am Samstag früh hat mein Cousin seine Augen für immer geschlossen und ist seine letzte Reise angetreten. Er war nicht nur ein Cousin, er war mein Bruder, mein bester Freund. Sein Begräbnis war gestern. Ruhe in Frieden, mein geliebter Cousin.
Mögest du dich im Paradies wieder finden und Gott deiner Seele gnädig sein.
Makanin cennet olsun. Allah rahmet eylesin.
Glücklicherweise muss ich mich nicht um die offene Position kümmern. Diese ist bereits auf Breakeven gesetzt. Es kann wohl möglich sein, dass ich in meiner jetzigen Situation keine profunde Analyse durchführen kann, auch wenn ich der Meinung bin, dass ich noch wohl durchdachte Analysen vornehmen kann. Es ist durchaus Möglich, dass sich der Verlust auf mich auf eine mir unbekannte Weise auswirkt. Die Zeit wird es zeigen. Ich werde weiterhin versuchen diesen Blog aufrecht zu erhalten. Dies war und ist für mich ein sehr aufregendes Projekt.
Ich weiß, ich bin Zurzeit mein einziger follower ;)
Dieser Blog ist eh für mich. Und dies bietet mir die Möglichkeit mich abzulenken (glaube ich zumindest).
Montag, 20. Juni 2016
I will miss you a great deal
Saturday morning my cousin, my best friend, and my brother all in one closed his eyes for ever. He started his very last journey. He was not only my cousin, he was my brother, my best friend. Yesterday was his funeral. Rest in peace, my beloved cousin.
Makamin cennet olsun. Allah rahmet eylesin.
Fortunately I have only one position to take care off. And it is at breakeven. I may not be in the right state of mind to perform profound analysis. Even though I think I can do great analysis, The loss may influence me in a way I cannot know. I will try to keep the blog still runnin. This is a project I was and still am very excited about. I know I am my onw follower for the time being ;)
This blog is for me anyway. So this may help me to stay focused. And it will keep my mind occupied I guess.
Makamin cennet olsun. Allah rahmet eylesin.
Fortunately I have only one position to take care off. And it is at breakeven. I may not be in the right state of mind to perform profound analysis. Even though I think I can do great analysis, The loss may influence me in a way I cannot know. I will try to keep the blog still runnin. This is a project I was and still am very excited about. I know I am my onw follower for the time being ;)
This blog is for me anyway. So this may help me to stay focused. And it will keep my mind occupied I guess.
With risk comes Chances BREXIT keeps traders on the loop
With the ongoing discussion about a possible BREXIT many market participants are very nervous. We have seen the Sterlin make fast moves up and down.
With every risk comes also a chance. I do not recommend to take risky actions. But if you come across a setup you migh want to give it a try.
I took this position on EG last thursday and kept it open over the weekend. I was able to put my stop to BE before the weekend so I did not need to worry about this position much.
Below is the chart.

With a bearish close last week my bias is bearish for the current week. Since I have a positon at a nice location, I will let it be and wait for the refendum. If it was not for the referendum on 23rd this month (this week thursday in three days) I would look to add to my existing position. A nice add on would be the break of pwl (previous week low). A break and close below that is.
At this point I would like to mention that I might not be able to maintain the blog for some time. I had a loss in the family and need my time to handle the loss. Or I might just dive into work and do more analyis. Whatever it is, you'll be able to see it on the blogg by many posts or no posts at all.
Green Pips,
With every risk comes also a chance. I do not recommend to take risky actions. But if you come across a setup you migh want to give it a try.
I took this position on EG last thursday and kept it open over the weekend. I was able to put my stop to BE before the weekend so I did not need to worry about this position much.
Below is the chart.

With a bearish close last week my bias is bearish for the current week. Since I have a positon at a nice location, I will let it be and wait for the refendum. If it was not for the referendum on 23rd this month (this week thursday in three days) I would look to add to my existing position. A nice add on would be the break of pwl (previous week low). A break and close below that is.
At this point I would like to mention that I might not be able to maintain the blog for some time. I had a loss in the family and need my time to handle the loss. Or I might just dive into work and do more analyis. Whatever it is, you'll be able to see it on the blogg by many posts or no posts at all.
Green Pips,
Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2016
Other trades this week 06.06.-10.06.16

This is a nice example how news of one currency can influence a total different
currency. NZD news did spike me out of a move that I could have participated in.
But things like that happen. Am not upset. It was a good trade,
even though resulting in a loss. Not all losing trades are bad trades. (see my post "Do you mind a losing trade?"
Fortunately I was in a different Yen pair.

This one is moving just nice so far. The lower wick of the last candle is disturbing tough.
Price is at a trouble zone. Last week low is creating some issues. But my bias for the week
is bearish.
Keep in mind that we are close to support. That was the thing disturbing me on the JPY pairs.
Update 09.06.16:
I did take half Profit. Price is at a level it was not able to violate. So I took half profit while giving
the remainder a chance to violate the level.

Second Update 09.06.16:
I closed the EJ trade after I came back from practice. I normally give my trades room to breath. But for this instance, I kept the leash tight due to the structure of the asset. As mentioned in the "Trade Ideas for the week 06.06.-10.06.16" the structure of the JPY pairs don't favor a generous approach. We are close to support and resistance. I gave this trade a chance to prove it is worth to keep it. It proved me wrong, so I closed it. Simple as that. Either it works, or it doesn't. I don't shed a single tear for the pips I gave back to the market. I took what is mine and am happy with it.
Below is the Chart.

The below asset was not on my watch list for this week. But I took a trade anyway. This does not
mean I did violate my setup. It just got interesting today.

News drow this asset higher. As mentioned above, this was also the reason what
stopped my AJ trade. However, as this asset moved up, the other JPY pairs moved
down (this is a form of divergence). And that was the reason for me to look for a nice opportunity to take a short trade.
Montag, 6. Juni 2016
First trade this week 06.06.-10.06.16

Today's trade USDCAD. Stop is at breakeven. From now on
it's a free ride.
Update 08.06.2016
I did take half profit after 200 Pips of Profit.

I will be looking to add to the position on a pullback.
The downside is, my entry is at a nice level where price
may pull back to. So taking profit is a good thing.
The two horizontal red lines are based on the H4 timeframe.
That is another level for a pullback level. If price bounce off
that level, that would indicate a strong bearish envrionment.
Update 09.06.16:
No, I didn't close the trade yet. I did not have a reason to do so yet.
Today formed the first bull candle after 4 rather strong bearish candles.
The markets never go in a straight line. The zig zag. And that is good.
Am expecting a pullback. But due to the strong move south, the pullback
might be over yet. Below is the chart.

As you can see I did update the Fib levels. Additionally I highlight a support level that lines
just nice up with the 38,2 Fib-Level. If we have strong moves, the asset makes never makes it to the
38,2 Fib-Level but stops at the 23,6 Fib-Level. As you can see, we already touched this level. So tomorrow is going to be an interesting day. Since it is friday, I might not even realize the setup, depending on the time. The earlier in the day, the more interesting are the setups. The later the day, the more willing I am to let it go.
Update 10.06.16:
As you see above, price did pull back to the 23,6 Fib-Level. The last H4 candle formed a nice setup.

I like the setup, but I don't like much the time of the day. We are still in the peak hours of trading. But today being friday, there is going to be a lot of profit taking. And that will influence the market. Most big traders (institutional traders) want to have a profitable week, so they are more inclined to take profit or cut losses. Which way it is, it is going to influence the markets. That's why I don't like the timing. Too bad this setup didn't form earlier in the day. I'll keep an eye on this never the less.
Stay tuned.
Update 08.06.2016
I did take half profit after 200 Pips of Profit.

I will be looking to add to the position on a pullback.
The downside is, my entry is at a nice level where price
may pull back to. So taking profit is a good thing.
The two horizontal red lines are based on the H4 timeframe.
That is another level for a pullback level. If price bounce off
that level, that would indicate a strong bearish envrionment.
Update 09.06.16:
No, I didn't close the trade yet. I did not have a reason to do so yet.
Today formed the first bull candle after 4 rather strong bearish candles.
The markets never go in a straight line. The zig zag. And that is good.
Am expecting a pullback. But due to the strong move south, the pullback
might be over yet. Below is the chart.

As you can see I did update the Fib levels. Additionally I highlight a support level that lines
just nice up with the 38,2 Fib-Level. If we have strong moves, the asset makes never makes it to the
38,2 Fib-Level but stops at the 23,6 Fib-Level. As you can see, we already touched this level. So tomorrow is going to be an interesting day. Since it is friday, I might not even realize the setup, depending on the time. The earlier in the day, the more interesting are the setups. The later the day, the more willing I am to let it go.
Update 10.06.16:
As you see above, price did pull back to the 23,6 Fib-Level. The last H4 candle formed a nice setup.

I like the setup, but I don't like much the time of the day. We are still in the peak hours of trading. But today being friday, there is going to be a lot of profit taking. And that will influence the market. Most big traders (institutional traders) want to have a profitable week, so they are more inclined to take profit or cut losses. Which way it is, it is going to influence the markets. That's why I don't like the timing. Too bad this setup didn't form earlier in the day. I'll keep an eye on this never the less.
Stay tuned.
Sonntag, 5. Juni 2016
Trade Ideas for the week 06.06. - 10.06.16
Even though we had some nice and strong weekly closes
last week the week ahead is going to be tricky on most
assets. Prices are too close to either support or resistance
on most setups.
Most JPY pairs are interesting but troublesome at the same

EA is going to be a bit tricky. Not my favorit asset for the week.
But I'll keep an eye on this. The Hammer formation is what
got my interest. Last week I was expecting a down fall. But the asset
showed rejection of a move south. So I'll keep an eye for bullish setups.

EU is also a tricky one and one of the assets I don't favor much for
the week. Price is inside a big range. With US weakness we didn't
get a move back to range support. My bias for the week is bullish.
But being close to resistance is making this asset not very attractive.
I'll be looking for long setup if the asset retraces and for short setups
at resistance.

There is not clear overall direction, which makes the asset
less favorable. But we had a strong close last week. So
I'll be having a bullish bias for the week ahead. However,
the close below the psychological big round number is
troubling me.

This is an interesting asset. We had a nice rejection of higher
prices and a strong bearish close. However, price is in the vicinity
of support. I like the close below the previous week low. So my bias
for the week ahead is bearish.

Same as EJ. I prefer this asset to the EJ. However, this pair
was not able to close below the candle of 5 weeks ago. That is

I haven't traded this asset yet. I like the setup. That's
why it is on my watch list. My bias is bearish.

This asset is a beast. The volatility makes this pair very
difficult to trade. But I like the setup. My bias is bearish
for the week ahead. GJ made a more than 500 Pips run last
week alone. I like that we had a close below 155. Hopefully
we'll get a retracement followed by a nice short setup.

I boxed this asset to show we are still trading inside the candle
of 4 weeks ago. Price showed a rejection of higher prices.
Until now I was not interested in any JPY pairs because we have
the simmilar situation on all the other JPY pairs. Price has trouble
move south. But with the rejection of higher prices I am getting
interested again. A Daily close below the box would be very
interesting. However, I'll also be interested in a retracement to
short on higher prices.

I don't really like the swissy much. But I put this pair on
my watch list. We had a well shaped Bearish Engulfing Pattern
with last week close. My bias is bearish for the week ahead.
The red line shows support. But I put more emphasis on the bearish
formation below parity.

We had a nice and strong bullish close last week,
which shifts my bias in favor of the bulls. It's the
first time that price was able to make a move higher.
So market structure is bullish. We may be forming
a lower high. So this is a highly interesting location.
But last week close is below broken support.

The overall trend is bullish. But with a break of the last
low we are experiencing a trend change. Currently this
asset seems like to be forming a lower high. But we won't
know now anyway. My bias for the week ahead is bearish.
This pair is very interesting. Until last week I was looking
for long setups. Either 1,3 will hold as resistance, or as support.
A close below las week candle will make the picture more clear.
But that is music of next week close. Untill next week I'll be looking
for shorts below last week candle with a keen interest on the two
horizontal red lines.

This is currently one of my favorit assets. We have
a clean and clear setup. My bias is bearish for the week

I like the level of this asset. There is not really a setup on
the weekly. But the level is very interesting. A daily close below
the indecision candle will put weight on the bears. So far I didn't reall
get the long trigger. I was eyeing this asset since the yellow zone. Either
the setup was too close to resistance, or I was not at the computer. But
enough of excuses.

Again a tricky asset. The signal is bearish. A clear cut bearish
setup. Straight on top of support.
Even though the bias is bearish for the week ahead, I'll be looking
also for long setups.
There are a couple more assets on my watch list. But those are less
favorable. That's why I didn't list them here. I am mainly interested
in the good signals. And the good signals are rather rare currently.
last week the week ahead is going to be tricky on most
assets. Prices are too close to either support or resistance
on most setups.
Most JPY pairs are interesting but troublesome at the same

EA is going to be a bit tricky. Not my favorit asset for the week.
But I'll keep an eye on this. The Hammer formation is what
got my interest. Last week I was expecting a down fall. But the asset
showed rejection of a move south. So I'll keep an eye for bullish setups.

EU is also a tricky one and one of the assets I don't favor much for
the week. Price is inside a big range. With US weakness we didn't
get a move back to range support. My bias for the week is bullish.
But being close to resistance is making this asset not very attractive.
I'll be looking for long setup if the asset retraces and for short setups
at resistance.

There is not clear overall direction, which makes the asset
less favorable. But we had a strong close last week. So
I'll be having a bullish bias for the week ahead. However,
the close below the psychological big round number is
troubling me.

This is an interesting asset. We had a nice rejection of higher
prices and a strong bearish close. However, price is in the vicinity
of support. I like the close below the previous week low. So my bias
for the week ahead is bearish.

Same as EJ. I prefer this asset to the EJ. However, this pair
was not able to close below the candle of 5 weeks ago. That is

I haven't traded this asset yet. I like the setup. That's
why it is on my watch list. My bias is bearish.

This asset is a beast. The volatility makes this pair very
difficult to trade. But I like the setup. My bias is bearish
for the week ahead. GJ made a more than 500 Pips run last
week alone. I like that we had a close below 155. Hopefully
we'll get a retracement followed by a nice short setup.

I boxed this asset to show we are still trading inside the candle
of 4 weeks ago. Price showed a rejection of higher prices.
Until now I was not interested in any JPY pairs because we have
the simmilar situation on all the other JPY pairs. Price has trouble
move south. But with the rejection of higher prices I am getting
interested again. A Daily close below the box would be very
interesting. However, I'll also be interested in a retracement to
short on higher prices.

I don't really like the swissy much. But I put this pair on
my watch list. We had a well shaped Bearish Engulfing Pattern
with last week close. My bias is bearish for the week ahead.
The red line shows support. But I put more emphasis on the bearish
formation below parity.

We had a nice and strong bullish close last week,
which shifts my bias in favor of the bulls. It's the
first time that price was able to make a move higher.
So market structure is bullish. We may be forming
a lower high. So this is a highly interesting location.
But last week close is below broken support.

The overall trend is bullish. But with a break of the last
low we are experiencing a trend change. Currently this
asset seems like to be forming a lower high. But we won't
know now anyway. My bias for the week ahead is bearish.
This pair is very interesting. Until last week I was looking
for long setups. Either 1,3 will hold as resistance, or as support.
A close below las week candle will make the picture more clear.
But that is music of next week close. Untill next week I'll be looking
for shorts below last week candle with a keen interest on the two
horizontal red lines.

This is currently one of my favorit assets. We have
a clean and clear setup. My bias is bearish for the week

I like the level of this asset. There is not really a setup on
the weekly. But the level is very interesting. A daily close below
the indecision candle will put weight on the bears. So far I didn't reall
get the long trigger. I was eyeing this asset since the yellow zone. Either
the setup was too close to resistance, or I was not at the computer. But
enough of excuses.

Again a tricky asset. The signal is bearish. A clear cut bearish
setup. Straight on top of support.
Even though the bias is bearish for the week ahead, I'll be looking
also for long setups.
There are a couple more assets on my watch list. But those are less
favorable. That's why I didn't list them here. I am mainly interested
in the good signals. And the good signals are rather rare currently.
Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2016
Ist ein Verlulst-Trade schlecht?
Die Frage scheint im ersten Moment trivial. Nimm dir aber einen Moment und denk mal darüber nach.
Was haben alle verlorenen Trades gemeinsam? Alle Verlust-Trades weisen einen Verlust auf. Aber nicht alle Verlierer (trades mit negativem Profit) sind gleich. Ein Trade mit negativem Profit ist ein Trade mit negativem Profit. Kurz gesagt, ein Verlierer ist ein Verlierer. Ein Verlierer ist nichts negatives. Ich kann schließlich den Markt nicht kontrollieren. Ich wäge das Risiko eines vermeintlichen Engagements ab. Im Anschluss entscheide ich mich, ob ich das Risiko, das mit dem Trade verbunden ist, eingehen mag. Entscheide ich mich nun für das Engagement, so muss ich das damit verbundene Risiko akzeptieren. Rege ich mich nun auf, wenn dieses Engagement ein Verlierer wird, so bedeutet dies, dass ich mir des Risikos eines Fehltrades nicht bewusst war. Dies würde bedeuten, dass ich nicht wirklich weiß was ich tue. Ohne ein Risiko gibt es auch keine Chance. Risiken und Chancen sind je eine Seite der gleichen Medaille
Psychologisch ist der Grad des Schmerzes verursacht durch einen Verlust intensiver als der Grad der Freude über einen Gewinner. Dies ist das Resultat der Evolution. Wenn man mal darüber nachdenkt ist das nicht schlecht. Ich begrüße das Risiko. Risiken bringen Chancen mit sich. Das heißt nun nicht, dass ich jedes Risiko sofort umarme und jegliche risikoreichen Aktivitäten bzw. Engagements nachgehe. Ich wäge das Risiko mit der gebührenden Sorgfalt ab. Ergibt sich nun doch ein Verlierer, wird dieser abgehackt. Das gleiche gilt für Gewinner. Der einzelne Trade hat keine wirkliche Bedeutung, egal ob Verlierer oder Gewinner. Das heißt nicht, dass ich mich nicht über einen 1.000 Pip Profit freuen würde. Ich würde über beide Ohren strahlen. Aber eigentlich kommt es nicht auf das einzelne Engagement an, sondern auf die Gesamtheit der Engagements. Liege ich mit all meinen Trades auf der Gewinner-Seite, so strahle ich ebenfalls über beide Ohren.
Was haben alle verlorenen Trades gemeinsam? Alle Verlust-Trades weisen einen Verlust auf. Aber nicht alle Verlierer (trades mit negativem Profit) sind gleich. Ein Trade mit negativem Profit ist ein Trade mit negativem Profit. Kurz gesagt, ein Verlierer ist ein Verlierer. Ein Verlierer ist nichts negatives. Ich kann schließlich den Markt nicht kontrollieren. Ich wäge das Risiko eines vermeintlichen Engagements ab. Im Anschluss entscheide ich mich, ob ich das Risiko, das mit dem Trade verbunden ist, eingehen mag. Entscheide ich mich nun für das Engagement, so muss ich das damit verbundene Risiko akzeptieren. Rege ich mich nun auf, wenn dieses Engagement ein Verlierer wird, so bedeutet dies, dass ich mir des Risikos eines Fehltrades nicht bewusst war. Dies würde bedeuten, dass ich nicht wirklich weiß was ich tue. Ohne ein Risiko gibt es auch keine Chance. Risiken und Chancen sind je eine Seite der gleichen Medaille
Psychologisch ist der Grad des Schmerzes verursacht durch einen Verlust intensiver als der Grad der Freude über einen Gewinner. Dies ist das Resultat der Evolution. Wenn man mal darüber nachdenkt ist das nicht schlecht. Ich begrüße das Risiko. Risiken bringen Chancen mit sich. Das heißt nun nicht, dass ich jedes Risiko sofort umarme und jegliche risikoreichen Aktivitäten bzw. Engagements nachgehe. Ich wäge das Risiko mit der gebührenden Sorgfalt ab. Ergibt sich nun doch ein Verlierer, wird dieser abgehackt. Das gleiche gilt für Gewinner. Der einzelne Trade hat keine wirkliche Bedeutung, egal ob Verlierer oder Gewinner. Das heißt nicht, dass ich mich nicht über einen 1.000 Pip Profit freuen würde. Ich würde über beide Ohren strahlen. Aber eigentlich kommt es nicht auf das einzelne Engagement an, sondern auf die Gesamtheit der Engagements. Liege ich mit all meinen Trades auf der Gewinner-Seite, so strahle ich ebenfalls über beide Ohren.
Do you mind losing a trade?
The question posed may sound trvial at first glance. But give it a try and think about it.
What have
all losses in common? Losses all have the same outcome. But not all losses are the
same. A losing trade is a losing trade. There is no harm in it. I have no
control over the market. I weigh the risk involved with the supposed trade.
Then I decide whether I want to take the risk or not. If my decision is in
favour of the trade, then I have to accept the risk involved. If I get angry
that I got a loser, then something is off with my trading idea. It would mean,
I didn’t fully understand what I was doing. There is no chance without risk
involved. And every risk comes with a chance. Risk and chance, each are one
side of the same coin.
Mentally / psychologically the degree of pain
caused by a loss is stronger than the degree of pleasure caused by a win. That’s
the result of millions of years of evolution. But if you think about it, risk
is not bad. I embrace risk. Risk gives me the opportunity to gain. But that
does not mean I jump on any risky activity and take every risk possible. I
weigh the risk and decide after I did my due diligence whether I want to take
it or not. If the engagement fails, it failed. Same like a winner. I don’t put
much emphasis on a single winner. That doesn’t mean I won’t be happy if I had a
1.000 Pip trade. I’d be smiling from one ear to the other. But in effect, it is
just one trade. One single trade is not important. This goes for the winning
and for the losing trade. Overall the profit should be greater than the loss.
That will put a smile on my face just as big as the 1.000 pip run.
Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2016
Running trades
I am patiently waiting what this pair is going to do at the current level.
This trade got stopped at breakeven minus slippage of a pip. Below is the chart. Later on I'll move this to the closed trades section.
Technically the setup is still valid. There was no violation of the setup. I kept this trade on a tight lesh for various reasons. One of the reasons are the amount of news streaming in today and tomorrow. However, I am not a news trader. But I take news into account. Equities are vulnerable anyway. I'll get more into news on a different post.
This one required some patienc, and still does. I need a weekly signal to make a final decision. But so far the structure of the market has not changed. But I'll be keeping a close eye on this one.
This is a trade taken based on the weekly. Actually all my trades are based on the weekly. More about that on a different post.
Currently price is testing a level of interest. I need to see the daily close. Then I will evaluate again what to do.
This asset was taken last week friday. So far I am fine with this asset. Will keep an eye on this one anyway. I did not feel the need to interfere on this trade, as I did on EU.
The newst trade got triggered this afternoon. It's the DOW. First time ever I trade this asset. I liked the location so gave it a try with a pending waiting to get triggered. Eventually my order got tirggered.
This trade got stopped at breakeven minus slippage of a pip. Below is the chart. Later on I'll move this to the closed trades section.
Technically the setup is still valid. There was no violation of the setup. I kept this trade on a tight lesh for various reasons. One of the reasons are the amount of news streaming in today and tomorrow. However, I am not a news trader. But I take news into account. Equities are vulnerable anyway. I'll get more into news on a different post.
Here a couple of current trades and trades I closed today
This is EURUSD. I took this trade last week friday.
As you can see, my charts are pretty much naked.
I took the trade because I liked the location and the market structure. I might be getting more into details in a different post.
Another trade I closed today is EURAUD.
This is an asset I was monitoring since last week. Finally I had a signal and a trigger with yesterday close. If it was not for NFP I would have kept the trade open. I am not really expecting much volatility from this time on. But I was willing to take another shot at this pair if I get a nice setup on H4 timeframe. Spoiler alarm. I didn't get a setup. So I am leaving this pair alone for the time being
As you can see, my charts are pretty much naked.
I took the trade because I liked the location and the market structure. I might be getting more into details in a different post.
Another trade I closed today is EURAUD.
This is an asset I was monitoring since last week. Finally I had a signal and a trigger with yesterday close. If it was not for NFP I would have kept the trade open. I am not really expecting much volatility from this time on. But I was willing to take another shot at this pair if I get a nice setup on H4 timeframe. Spoiler alarm. I didn't get a setup. So I am leaving this pair alone for the time being
What am I trading
While I am also investing in Stocks, my focus lies on trading Forex.
My initial interest was trading stocks. During my studies about how to trade stocks I came across Forex. At first I decided not to bother about Forex. It looked too complicated. And I wanted to trade stocks anyway. But the more I read about Forex, the more I got interested in it. And being able to move large sums of money with only litle capital does sound interesting, doesn't it?
While at first I put Forex aside it slowly became more and more interesting. So I started to read about Forex. At first it was difficult to understand that you are buying one currency and selling the other simultaneously. Stocks were a lot easier. And than there is the talk about leverage and margin requirement. It was at first sight very difficult. But I did give it a try anyway. And I do not regret it a single bit. At times Forex did drive me nuts and at times it still does though. But more about that on a different post.
What I will be posting here is mainly referred to Forex and CFD trading.
I will try to keep my posts up to date.
I try to keep everything I do up to date and post live trades as well as setups I am keeping an eye on.
At this point I feel the need to mention that this blog is mainly for my own purposes. Everyboday with keen interest is welcome to join me on my journey. Please do not follow my trade setups. I am not a signal provider and am not planning to become a signal provider. Everything I post here is based on my own thoughts and my own views. I am by no means giving any trading suggestions. Everybody is responsible for their own decision. Please do not take my ideas as an invitation to follow suit. I take no responsibility on gains or losses occured by following my setups or my ideas.
I will try to keep my posts up to date.
I try to keep everything I do up to date and post live trades as well as setups I am keeping an eye on.
At this point I feel the need to mention that this blog is mainly for my own purposes. Everyboday with keen interest is welcome to join me on my journey. Please do not follow my trade setups. I am not a signal provider and am not planning to become a signal provider. Everything I post here is based on my own thoughts and my own views. I am by no means giving any trading suggestions. Everybody is responsible for their own decision. Please do not take my ideas as an invitation to follow suit. I take no responsibility on gains or losses occured by following my setups or my ideas.
Meine bescheidenen Anfänge
Schon im frühen Alter haben mich die Finanzmärkte bzw. Finanzinstrumente begeistert. Zwar hatte ich keinen Schimmer davon wie Aktien überhaupt funktionieren, doch haben Aktien immer schon eine faszinierende Wirkung auf mich gehabt. Mehr als Aktien kannte ich nicht. Im Laufe der Zeit habe ich erkannt, dass es mehr als Aktien gibt. Die Vielzahl an Instrumenten war sowohl begeisternd als auch beängstigend. Wie soll man denn bei der Vielfalt an Instrumenten überhaupt was verstehen? Wo fängt man an? Was ist besser?
Das Konzept der Fonds (Aktienfonds) habe ich schnell begriffen. Mein Hauptinteresse galt den Aktien. Doch wie wähle ich geeignete Unternehmen? Fragen über Fragen. Keiner konnte mir helfen. Schließlich kam ich im Rahmen meines Studiums das erste Mal mit Aktien in Kontakt. Schnell habe ich Begriffe wie Aktienemission, Dividende, Ausschüttung oder Thesaurierung kennen gelernt. Mit reichlich Grün hinter den Ohren haben zwei Kommilitonen und ich uns dann entschieden im Aktienhandel mitzumischen. Schließlich haben wir unser erstes Engagement im Grundstudium BWL gewagt.
2001 habe ich meinen ersten Aktienkauf getätigt. Ich habe viel recherchiert. Doch wusste ich damals nicht wirklich wonach ich suchen musste, und auf was ich achten musste. Doch ich war mir sicher. Durch meine Recherche kam ich auf eine kleine Auswahl an Einzeltitel von denen ich eine selektiert hatte. Die Auswahl viel auf Fresenius, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen und SAP. Internet Aktien ( Aktien) haben mich nicht interessiert, obwohl diese sehr gefragt waren. Ich habe meine Kommilitonen vor Internet Aktien gewarnt. Es gab einfach zu viel Hype um diese, was mich eher von einem Engagement abgeschreckt hatte.
Cost Average war mir zwar ein Begriff, doch wollte ich mit Aktien mein Geld verdienen und nicht mit einem Sparplan Geld horten. Somit habe ich all das Geld, das mir zur Verfügung stand auf SAP gesetzt. Zunächst habe ich in kürzester Zeit satte Buchgewinne eingefahren, und war stolz auf mich. Doch waren die Buchgewinne nicht von Dauer und es bahnte sich aufgrund mehrere Faktoren eine Rezession an. Internationaler Terror und Kriege haben den Optimismus an der Börse mehr als nur gedämpft. So musste ich eine lange Durststrecke mit meinem Engagement hinnehmen. Wie erwähnt, ich war zwar reichlich Grün hinter den Ohren, doch wusste ich, dass ich keine Bindung zum eingesetzten Kapital haben darf. So war es mir mehr als egal, ob ich verliere. Es ist dann doch noch gut gelaufen mit meinem Engagement. Aber nicht wirklich aus können. Es war mehr Glück als Verstand, dass ich mich für den DAX Unternehmen SAP entschieden habe. Fresenius wäre eine ebenso gute Auswahl gewesen.
Charts haben mich bei meinen ersten Schritten an der Börse begeistert. Zu dritt saßen wir an unseren Rechnern in der Universität und haben uns die Charts angesehen. Doch wussten wir nicht genau was wir uns angucken mussten. Wir hatten keinen Schimmer von Chartmustern. Aber wir saßen an den Rechnern und betrachteten die Charts. Packten einige Indikatoren auf die Charts aber wussten nicht wozu diese Dienten. Wir hatten jedoch das Gefühl zu wissen wonach wir zu gucken hatten. Noch heute muss ich schmunzeln wenn ich daran zurück denke. Wie grün wir doch hinter den Ohren waren.
Das Konzept der Fonds (Aktienfonds) habe ich schnell begriffen. Mein Hauptinteresse galt den Aktien. Doch wie wähle ich geeignete Unternehmen? Fragen über Fragen. Keiner konnte mir helfen. Schließlich kam ich im Rahmen meines Studiums das erste Mal mit Aktien in Kontakt. Schnell habe ich Begriffe wie Aktienemission, Dividende, Ausschüttung oder Thesaurierung kennen gelernt. Mit reichlich Grün hinter den Ohren haben zwei Kommilitonen und ich uns dann entschieden im Aktienhandel mitzumischen. Schließlich haben wir unser erstes Engagement im Grundstudium BWL gewagt.
2001 habe ich meinen ersten Aktienkauf getätigt. Ich habe viel recherchiert. Doch wusste ich damals nicht wirklich wonach ich suchen musste, und auf was ich achten musste. Doch ich war mir sicher. Durch meine Recherche kam ich auf eine kleine Auswahl an Einzeltitel von denen ich eine selektiert hatte. Die Auswahl viel auf Fresenius, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen und SAP. Internet Aktien ( Aktien) haben mich nicht interessiert, obwohl diese sehr gefragt waren. Ich habe meine Kommilitonen vor Internet Aktien gewarnt. Es gab einfach zu viel Hype um diese, was mich eher von einem Engagement abgeschreckt hatte.
Cost Average war mir zwar ein Begriff, doch wollte ich mit Aktien mein Geld verdienen und nicht mit einem Sparplan Geld horten. Somit habe ich all das Geld, das mir zur Verfügung stand auf SAP gesetzt. Zunächst habe ich in kürzester Zeit satte Buchgewinne eingefahren, und war stolz auf mich. Doch waren die Buchgewinne nicht von Dauer und es bahnte sich aufgrund mehrere Faktoren eine Rezession an. Internationaler Terror und Kriege haben den Optimismus an der Börse mehr als nur gedämpft. So musste ich eine lange Durststrecke mit meinem Engagement hinnehmen. Wie erwähnt, ich war zwar reichlich Grün hinter den Ohren, doch wusste ich, dass ich keine Bindung zum eingesetzten Kapital haben darf. So war es mir mehr als egal, ob ich verliere. Es ist dann doch noch gut gelaufen mit meinem Engagement. Aber nicht wirklich aus können. Es war mehr Glück als Verstand, dass ich mich für den DAX Unternehmen SAP entschieden habe. Fresenius wäre eine ebenso gute Auswahl gewesen.
Charts haben mich bei meinen ersten Schritten an der Börse begeistert. Zu dritt saßen wir an unseren Rechnern in der Universität und haben uns die Charts angesehen. Doch wussten wir nicht genau was wir uns angucken mussten. Wir hatten keinen Schimmer von Chartmustern. Aber wir saßen an den Rechnern und betrachteten die Charts. Packten einige Indikatoren auf die Charts aber wussten nicht wozu diese Dienten. Wir hatten jedoch das Gefühl zu wissen wonach wir zu gucken hatten. Noch heute muss ich schmunzeln wenn ich daran zurück denke. Wie grün wir doch hinter den Ohren waren.
My humble beginnings
I had a keen interest in financial markets respectively financial instruments since my early years. I had no clue about how equities work. But stocks had a fascinating effect on me. The only thing I knew regarding financial instruments was stocks. As time passed I did realize that there are much more financial instruments then merely shares of a company. The vast number of instruments were exciting and at the same time frightening. How in the world are you supposed to understand anything amidst the vast number of instruments? What do you start with? What is better?
I did understand the concept of a fund (equity fund) pretty quickly. So equities caught my main interest. But how do I pick the right company? I had so many questions, but no one was there to help me. Finally I came in touch with equities for the first time of my life at the University. Terms such as share issue, dividends, distribution or accumulations were understood now. Being wet behind the ears, two fellow students and I decided we want to engage in the stock markets. Eventually we started our first engagement as elementary students of Business Studies.
My first investment in equities was in 2001. I did a lot of research, without really knowing what to look for. I had no clue of what is important to know. But I was certain I was doing the right thing. My research singled out some individual stocks. The selected companies were Fresenius, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen and SAP. I was not interested in shares even though there was a big hype about them. So I had no interest in that sector at all. I also warned my friends from engagements in that sector.
Even though I knew about cost averaging I had no interest in a savings plan where you invest a certain amount each month on a selected equities fund. I wanted to make money. So I decided to put all my money on SAP and bought SAP shares. Soon I had a nice floating profit in my account. And I was proud about the profit. But the floating profit did not last long. Different factors lead to a recession. The optimism on the markets gave way to global terror warnings and wars. So I was experiencing a long lasting drought with my engagement. As mentioned already, I was wet behind my ears, but I knew not to be attached to the capital that was invested. So I did not really care that I was losing on my investment. Fortunately the shares gave me profit eventually, after years of waiting. My profitable investment in SAP,a DAX company, was more luck than judgment. Fresenius would have been as good of an investment.
I had a keen interest on charts at my first steps approaching the financial markets. The three of us were sitting at the computers at the University looking at charts. But we had no clue what to look at. We were throwing in some indicators not really knowing what they meant. But they gave us the impression we knew what we were doing. At times when I think back how much of greenhorns we were still puts a smile on my face.
I did understand the concept of a fund (equity fund) pretty quickly. So equities caught my main interest. But how do I pick the right company? I had so many questions, but no one was there to help me. Finally I came in touch with equities for the first time of my life at the University. Terms such as share issue, dividends, distribution or accumulations were understood now. Being wet behind the ears, two fellow students and I decided we want to engage in the stock markets. Eventually we started our first engagement as elementary students of Business Studies.
My first investment in equities was in 2001. I did a lot of research, without really knowing what to look for. I had no clue of what is important to know. But I was certain I was doing the right thing. My research singled out some individual stocks. The selected companies were Fresenius, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen and SAP. I was not interested in shares even though there was a big hype about them. So I had no interest in that sector at all. I also warned my friends from engagements in that sector.
Even though I knew about cost averaging I had no interest in a savings plan where you invest a certain amount each month on a selected equities fund. I wanted to make money. So I decided to put all my money on SAP and bought SAP shares. Soon I had a nice floating profit in my account. And I was proud about the profit. But the floating profit did not last long. Different factors lead to a recession. The optimism on the markets gave way to global terror warnings and wars. So I was experiencing a long lasting drought with my engagement. As mentioned already, I was wet behind my ears, but I knew not to be attached to the capital that was invested. So I did not really care that I was losing on my investment. Fortunately the shares gave me profit eventually, after years of waiting. My profitable investment in SAP,a DAX company, was more luck than judgment. Fresenius would have been as good of an investment.
I had a keen interest on charts at my first steps approaching the financial markets. The three of us were sitting at the computers at the University looking at charts. But we had no clue what to look at. We were throwing in some indicators not really knowing what they meant. But they gave us the impression we knew what we were doing. At times when I think back how much of greenhorns we were still puts a smile on my face.
Über mich
ich bin TraderTrade. Es freut mich, dass du dich für meinen Blog interessierst. Dies ist mein erster Blog, somit bin ich ziemlich unerfahren mit dem Thema „Bloggen“. Dir wird schnell auffallen, dass ich viel auf englisch schreibe. Dies hat mehrere Gründe, unter anderem jedoch ist ein wichtiger Faktor, dass die englische Sprache beim Forex-Trading eine sehr wichtige Rolle spielt. Ich bemühe mich meine Beiträge sowohl auf deutsch auch auf englisch zu halten. Falls es den einen oder anderen Beitrag auf englisch gibt, wofür du gerne eine deutsche Übersetzung hättest, kontaktiere mich. Ich werde mich bemühen diesen so bald wie möglich zu übersetzen. Habe jedoch Verständnis falls die Übersetzung länger dauert als erwartet. Trading kommt zuerst. Somit hat das Trading eine gewichtigere Rolle.
Warum starte ich denn diesen Blog überhaupt fragst du dich wohl. Ich habe so viele Gedanken, die mir im Kopf schwirren. Ich muss diese zunächst auf Wort, dann auf Papier (in diesem Falle auf PC) bringen. Dies hilft mir in meiner persönlichen Entfaltung und meinem Werdegang als Trader. Dieser Blog wird eine Art Trading Tagebuch, in der ich meine Gedanken und Ideen verfassen werde. Es gibt Situationen an denen sich mehrere Handelssiganle gleichzeitig bilden. Dieser Blog soll mir dabei helfen den Überblick zu wahren. Des Weiteren dient dieser Blog mir dazu meine Gedanken und Ideen bezüglich Trading Psychologie, Risiko- und Geldmanagement, Markt Struktur und was sonst mit Trading zu tun hat zu dokumentieren. Ich hoffe du findest diesen Blog hilfreich.
Warum starte ich denn diesen Blog überhaupt fragst du dich wohl. Ich habe so viele Gedanken, die mir im Kopf schwirren. Ich muss diese zunächst auf Wort, dann auf Papier (in diesem Falle auf PC) bringen. Dies hilft mir in meiner persönlichen Entfaltung und meinem Werdegang als Trader. Dieser Blog wird eine Art Trading Tagebuch, in der ich meine Gedanken und Ideen verfassen werde. Es gibt Situationen an denen sich mehrere Handelssiganle gleichzeitig bilden. Dieser Blog soll mir dabei helfen den Überblick zu wahren. Des Weiteren dient dieser Blog mir dazu meine Gedanken und Ideen bezüglich Trading Psychologie, Risiko- und Geldmanagement, Markt Struktur und was sonst mit Trading zu tun hat zu dokumentieren. Ich hoffe du findest diesen Blog hilfreich.
About me
I am TraderTrade. It’s nice you found interest in my Blog. This is my first blog ever. With that said it is obvious I am a bloody rookie when it comes to blogging. You will notice quickly that I am posting in English and German. The main language I am going to be using here is English. Reason being, English is necessary if you want to trade FOREX. However if you come across a German post that is not available in English and you would like to have an English translation, contact me. I will give my best to provide you the English translation. But bear with me if the translation takes longer than expected, as trading comes first.
So why am I even staring the blog? I have so many thoughts in my mind that I need to put first on words then on paper (in this case on PC). This will help me evolve personally and help me improve my trading endeavor. The blog is going to be like a trading journal for me. I’ll post my thoughts and ideas here. At times there is more than one setup to keep an eye on. The blog will help me to keep a tab on all the setups and future trade ideas. Further, the purpose of the bog is to document my thoughts on trading psychology, risk- and money management, market structure and what else is important for trading. You are invited to participate. I hope you’ll find this blog helpful.
So why am I even staring the blog? I have so many thoughts in my mind that I need to put first on words then on paper (in this case on PC). This will help me evolve personally and help me improve my trading endeavor. The blog is going to be like a trading journal for me. I’ll post my thoughts and ideas here. At times there is more than one setup to keep an eye on. The blog will help me to keep a tab on all the setups and future trade ideas. Further, the purpose of the bog is to document my thoughts on trading psychology, risk- and money management, market structure and what else is important for trading. You are invited to participate. I hope you’ll find this blog helpful.
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