With every risk comes also a chance. I do not recommend to take risky actions. But if you come across a setup you migh want to give it a try.
I took this position on EG last thursday and kept it open over the weekend. I was able to put my stop to BE before the weekend so I did not need to worry about this position much.
Below is the chart.

With a bearish close last week my bias is bearish for the current week. Since I have a positon at a nice location, I will let it be and wait for the refendum. If it was not for the referendum on 23rd this month (this week thursday in three days) I would look to add to my existing position. A nice add on would be the break of pwl (previous week low). A break and close below that is.
At this point I would like to mention that I might not be able to maintain the blog for some time. I had a loss in the family and need my time to handle the loss. Or I might just dive into work and do more analyis. Whatever it is, you'll be able to see it on the blogg by many posts or no posts at all.
Green Pips,
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